Dream Bigger

Dream Bigger

What does it mean to dream bigger? Dreaming bigger begins with the belief or concept that you can achieve great things.

The Early Years:

Both our parents moved us to Arizona in the early 70s where we met and were married. We both love Arizona and all its beauty. But as the years rolled by it is getting tougher and tougher to endure the 8 months of intense summer heat of Arizona. We discovered a beautiful area North of Tucson, called “The White Mountain”. We would rent a cabin by the lake and enjoy the cooler weather. Our thoughts were “Isn’t this a great place to enjoy retirement!”

When we started with online marketing it was just to make a little extra income, basically to help out our kids. We are in this great family of marketers and have been for a while. and we realize that there is a lot of income that can be made from this business. Each step of our training has opened our eyes a little more each day to the endless possibilities.


Both my wife and I have worked our whole lives. Everyone was telling us what path to take to be successful. Firstly; put a little money in savings each month. Secondly; invest in a 401K. Finally; work hard to achieve your goals. This sounded like good advice. But, as we both retired, we found that it just wasn’t enough money to do what we loved the most. Sure, we have enough money to live. We can pay our bills, go out to dinner on occasion, and even take a small vacation once a year. But the gap in income from when we were both working and now that we are retired is substantial.


Our dream to beat the Arizona summer heat is to have a summer cabin up North. And, of course on a lake that would provide fishing, boating, and some cooler weather. We have found several locations that would meet our dreams and desires. To reach our goals, we know what we need and how to get there. So, we have a special account where we put all the proceeds from our business. We know how much we need to make this happen and this is what we strive for each day. A picture is posted on our refrigerator with our cabin on the lake.

We touch the picture every day visualizing our goal of sitting on the porch of our cabin. Enjoying the view and the cool weather. And yes, we can still be building our business from there. After all, this is not just a business. But for us, it is also entertainment and something we enjoy doing together.

If you are discovering that your paycheck just isn’t enough in today’s economy you need to look at this program. Start it NOW so that when you retire you will have the income to dream bigger. Go HERE and see what endless possibilities await you.